Thursday, January 31, 2013

Art in the form of an apple...

I quite often miss little things that Lailah does in the moment, but often times find myself later getting a chuckle out of something that comes to my mind...whether it be something I heard her say in her room while 'reading' a book, the way she precariously perks a toy upon the back of one of our cats, the made up lyrics to a well known song, etc.  Today, she asked for an apple...and wanted it 'big', which in Lailah language means, 'don't cut it up'. So, I gave her the apple and she happily began to chomp away. She came and set it by me, asking me ever so kindly to keep it safe for her, and I found myself admiring it as though it were a work of art. The dainty little teeth marks, the odd shaped divots, the half way torn off skin - evidence of a failed effort to take a bite, and I couldn't help but smile. And take a picture.

The Art

And the Artist

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