Thursday, January 31, 2013

Art in the form of an apple...

I quite often miss little things that Lailah does in the moment, but often times find myself later getting a chuckle out of something that comes to my mind...whether it be something I heard her say in her room while 'reading' a book, the way she precariously perks a toy upon the back of one of our cats, the made up lyrics to a well known song, etc.  Today, she asked for an apple...and wanted it 'big', which in Lailah language means, 'don't cut it up'. So, I gave her the apple and she happily began to chomp away. She came and set it by me, asking me ever so kindly to keep it safe for her, and I found myself admiring it as though it were a work of art. The dainty little teeth marks, the odd shaped divots, the half way torn off skin - evidence of a failed effort to take a bite, and I couldn't help but smile. And take a picture.

The Art

And the Artist

Rainbow Sprinkles...

Delicious are cupcakes, chocolate, vanilla, and lemon too. I really love cupcakes. So, when Lailah out of the blue asked me if we could make cupcakes, I didn't even have to think about it. Ok, I may have thought for a brief moment about the mess that making cupcakes with a 2 year old would entail, and that frightened me a little, but it quickly faded and I got to work.

Alas, they cooled and were ready for decorating. I got out various nonpareils and sprinkles, sat her up on the counter and let her go to town. Still in her jammies I might add. And we had a blast. And...I learned something that day. It's that...everyone should lick rainbow colored sprinkles off the counter every once in a while.

This weekend. We are both sick and miserable with a cold, odd how things can change in a week or two's time. I'm thinking rainbow colored sprinkles would be pretty good right about now, except for the fact that I wouldn't be able to taste them much, and due to my highly congested nose, I would have to eat them all the while gasping for air through my mouth. Just doesn't sound as fun as before. Maybe next weekend.

Mmm, looks good enough to eat...Cheers!

 Maybe just a few more sprinkles.

 A magnificent masterpiece!
 Tell me you don't want to do that.

 Pinky's Up...Dive in.
 Lailah's...and Mommies. I'm a little more frugal with my sprinkles. =)

 Pretty good day.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beauty within everything

Although the weather has been dreary, the sky's have been gray, and the smog gives me a headache the moment I walk out the door. There is still beauty within all things. Oh and...fear not, no little birdies were endangered in the making of these photos.

Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Year - New Blog - New Me

Finally, here I am back on the blog wagon. I don't think I would have ever been off, but there were problems with my other blog running out of space...and while that shouldn't be something to throw someone completely off the blogger path - it did. It's a long story, so I'll spare you. The only thing that matters is here I am now, with a new blog, to start the new year - a year that I anticipate will be one of the best yet.

So, what's been going on? Lots since the last post on my old blog My last post was on October 31st. So, let's get up to speed shall we.

November marked the end of remotely decent weather. It started off nice enough that we were able to make a trip to the park. I would give anything to have the weather we were having on that day back. It's been brutally cold, and I think all of us, but especially Lailah, are ready for some warmer weather.

By the end of November, the cold had officially set in and we received a few snow flakes. Lailah was much more excited than I about it. With her not being able to go outside lately however, she seems to have lost some of her excitement.

December officially marked the start of a long, cold, gray winter. A time of year I always dread. While I find beauty in freshly fallen snow that hasn't been walked about, low lying clouds that hang like giant cotton balls, and micro snowflakes that shine like diamonds in the air, I loathe the cold. I don't like it at all. And with the sad levels of inversion we have had it's really been more than enough. Winter means dry cracked hands, cold feet, chapped lips, and the shivers. But alas, we will get through it, and it's not to say that there haven't been some fun times.

Christmas was a much better experience this year. No rashes, no sicknesses. We have been very fortunate with our health this year, and it's not something I am taking for granted - I am very grateful for that. Lailah really enjoyed Christmas this year. She got the gist of what was going on, was stoked for Santa, and really had fun Christmas morning.


Here are few random shots from around the yard on Christmas:

And that about wraps up from November 1st to the end of the year 2012. 2013 is officially underway, and I'm sure many memories are waiting to be made. I look forward to what the new year brings. But mostly...I look forward to sunshine and warmer temps.