Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I’m no mother of the year

This past weekend Lailah and I ventured to the Dinosaur Museum in Lehi. She was stoked to go there, we got there, and she was suddenly tired, and in disagreement with the noises that were being made throughout the building. It wasn’t the trip I had in mind, but it was still fun.

We talked quietly about various things, and I carried her through most of the museum, stopping only to take random pictures of things that interested me. I knew once we got to the excavation exhibit at the end she would perk right up, and she did. I played in the sand with her, we dug for bones, we made mounds of sand that to her were magnificent, if all but a mole hill to someone else. I stood back and I observed her, amused by the things that were amusing her. But, what I also observed was a row of 4 Mother’s and 1 Father, entranced, not by their children, but by their phones. All 5 of them. Now, I am no mother of the year, and I by no means am saying that I don’t check my phone from time to time. But it really is quite disheartening how much people are glued to their phones, and the things that they are missing out on because of it. I am glad that I had a moment with Lailah, we made magnificent mole hills, and excavated the prehistoric fossils of wild beasts, we connected, and that is better than anything I could have come across while looking at a phone. I just wish for the other parents and their children, that they could have experienced the same. 

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